Monday, January 31, 2011

ADVENTURE TIME: Salvation Mountain ((IMAGE HEAVY))

This is an ADVENTURE TIME! from many moons ago, but I think it's one of the best adventures I've ever been on, so I wanted to post it.

This past Halloween, my roommates and I went to Disneyland. On our way, we stopped at this roadside monument ("attraction" is no word for this place!) called Salvation Mountain. I heard about if from Elsie's blog years ago, and I've always wanted to stop by.

It's one of, if not the most, magical places I've ever been to!

I've edited only some of these pictures. It is so hard for me not to post all 160+ images I have of this wonderplace, but even so, it might turn out to be imageheavy.

The mountain!

This cart was decorated just as much as the rest of the mountain. So beautiful!

There were other carts, cars, and even little motorbikes, all decorated!

Climbing the mountain was fun! It was so big for being manmade by one lovely guy.

Behind and inside the mountain was like being in Willy Wonka's factory. Er, not a factory... maybe if Willy Wonka had a Californian retreat, it would be like this.

We were lucky enough to meet Leonard. He was so sweet and kindly. He showed us around the mountain and told us all about how he created certain aspects.

There was something magical about being in this place. None of us are particularly religious, as this mountain clearly is. But there was something so beautiful about a man working for twenty years on a manmade monument to love and peace. He gives away free souvenirs and only accepts donations- you aren't charged to play on his mountain, even though he lives there as well. He gets only welfare checks every month, and he just survives by doing what he loves.

Such an inspirational place and one of my treasured memories.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

craft time!

Hello again!

I wanted to post about a craft I did last weekend. My friends and I made our own miniature chalkboard! I got the instructions/pattern/idea from this lovely website here. This blog suggested chalkboard contact paper. We didn't find this, so we ended up using chalkboard spray paint. After, we did find the contact paper and I'd suggest using that, as the spray paint took quite a few coats and still wasn't the perfect material to use.

Like the blog suggests, we got black foam core, an exacto knife, and we used the spray paint. We painted the foam, cut out our shapes, and voila! Fun miniature chalkboards.

Mine currently says I'm a Monster, in honor of both Kanye West and Arrested Development's Buster.

Thanks for checking out my little craft post, have a wonderful Sunday!

Friday, January 28, 2011

oh dear me!


It's been awhile since I've blogged. It's been a busy week! I don't have a big post, but I found this lovely little post on Flavorwire and I wanted to share. Here's The Evolution of Alice in Wonderland: A Book Cover Odyssey. It has lots of covers from different editions of
Alice in Wonderland- so cute.

Here are my 3 favorites:

Have a good day! I'll be back soon!


Monday, January 24, 2011

a few pictures

Just a few pictures from today!

I bought color-changing nail polish. They are blue inside, but when I'm out in the sun, they turn purple! It's Del Sol sold at Walgreens.

My roommates and I got In n Out (so good. I always get my fries well!) and I wore my Harry Potter scarf. I also wore it to my literary club meeting at school, Persona.

Now I'm sleepy! We're watching Anastacia, a favorite! I was going to say that I don't just always watch animated movies, but I can't promise that haha. We watched James and the Giant Peach yesterday!

Friday, January 21, 2011

etsy finds

Although I'm the epitome of a broke college student, I love trolling around on Etsy to see what there is I can find.

I have an obsession with vintage eyeglasses. I'd love to start a collection of them one day!

(source: I'm Your Present)
This super super cute ruffle skirt from I'm Your Present. I love her stuff, but I can, of course, never afford it!

(source: PreciousPastimes)
Pretty little typewriter key necklace. I see a few of them on Etsy, but I love the sweet little bow detail.

(source: theblackapple)
I love the black apple and her wonderful dolls and prints. I love love love this print- completely and totally me!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

disney day!

I think Disney Day will be a weekly thing- every Friday! Here are some Disney images I found via Tumblr this week. As always, a disclaimer! Disclaimer: I find most of my images from tumblr. If they are not credited, it is only because I did NOT FIND a credible source on Tumblr. If it is wrongly credited or not credited, I am sorry! PLEASE let me know if you know the correct source for an image I post EVER: I only want to credit the people whose hard work I admire!


(I believe this is concept art!)

(I LOVE this and would love love love to know the artist!)

(screencap; capper unknown)
(I believe this is a scan from a book!)


about me!


It might be time for an introduction!

My name is Laura. I love adventures big and small, magic, ghost stories, witches, nail polish, hair bows, Disney movies and fairy tales. I'm 23 and I live in Tucson, Arizona where I go to school. I'm double majoring in English and Film, with a minor in Spanish. I collect Disney princess things- you can see some of my collection scattered through my blog, but some of it is here!


Two of my major hobbies are knitting and reading. I'm trying to expand into more crafting. My other favorite craft is making hair bows! Soon I'm going to learn how to make bow ties... I love boys in bow ties!


I love all things nerdy... Especially Pokemon on my Nintendo!


Here at
A Positive Must (named from a line in a song from Peter Pan), I'm just trying to find a way to express myself on the Internet. As I'm growing up and getting older, I find words coming differently than they did before. Maybe a little more difficult. I'm trying to use a blog to keep my words and my creativity flowing; I've always been a writer, and I'd like to share my personal life and dreams with people who share my interests!


To be honest, I've never been quite able to grow up. I've always loved fairy tales and adventures, and I'm embracing it. C.S. Lewis once said, "One day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again". I'm starting now.

i give epitaphs not autographs

One of the classes I'm taking this semester is a combination of my two favorite things: Film & Literature. Not only that, but the focus is one of my favorite subjects: the gothic! You know I love fairy tales, and I especially love the original stories that are filled with creepy aspects and horrifying twists!

We'll be reading gothic lit and watching creepy movies, including one of my favorites- Rosemary's Baby. Right now we're reading some Poe, who is one of my favorite authors ever!

Have some gothic spook stuff. I found these all on Tumblr without really any credit- if you know who I should credit, let me know!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dress Desires!


I love dresses. I love living in Arizona- dress weather is almost all year round! Here are some I'm dying for. They're all too expensive, and I don't like buying expensive dresses online where I can't try them on.

I might end up actually buying this one. I LOVE it so so so much.
I feel like this one isn't very practical, but I love love love it.


I love all these dresses. I'm not really at a place where I can buy these dresses, but hopefully later in the season or after I work some more, I can buy one or two of them!
