Thursday, May 26, 2011

wild wild west

As my time in Tucson is nearing to a close, my roommate Casie and I wanted to soak up as much Tucson fun as we can. That means frequent Eegee's trips, old haunts, and so on. We also went to Old Tucson for the first time, an attraction that boasts being the set of very famous Westerns. It's now a (slightly cheesy) fun attraction, complete with saloons, bargirls, cowboys, and photograph stations...

Friday, May 20, 2011


I am so sorry for my absence! It's been almost a month since I last posted. I am really sorry. Here are my reasons for delay:

animal: rabbit,mini I had finals, final projects, and the last week of work/internship.

animal: rabbit,mini I graduated May 13th! (Yes, Friday the 13th. I like to think of it as a good omen.

animal: rabbit,mini I'm slowly moving from Tucson to Phoenix.

I'm sorry for the delay in posting and hopefully it won't happen again, now that summer has officially started.

I've been obsessed with hair tutorials as of late. I especially like Cup of Jo's hair tutorials. She has a few up that I'd like to try. I need my hair to be a little longer for some, but today I threw my hair up in the messy low ponytail she describes. I need to learn how to tease my hair a little bigger... It seems like no matter how high I tease, it always falls!

What are your favorite hair tutorials? Any hair styles you're relying on now that it's hot?